My First CTF


Hello readers!

I want to share about my experience in IT world. I was the participant in "Pagelaran Mahasiswa Nasional bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi " as known as GEMASTIK , national Indonesian IT competition. Many categories there like making software and etc. I joined CTF (Capture The Flag) competition. This is the 9th GEMASTIK that held at mid 2016 in Universitas Indonesia in this year. I have no participation of such competition and i fell really doubt about this but however,

"Its now or never".

The competition material is so many, i just know several of competition's material. Even i got lack of skill , i kept to continue.So i began registering my team. My name is "A" and my friend is "N". I wonder what my team name is but i figured it out in few minutes. My team name is N/A (Not Available ._.). We were delegation from UIN MALIKI Malang that the only one join GEMASTIK's CTF. I had asked my other friends and my seniors to join it, but they doubt just like me and choosed to join another competition. its ok.
Several day before competition held, i received emails that direct my team to continue registration. It said we have to join slack (messaging 4 team) and for global announcement about the competition aand here it comes the day of competition.

//continue soon

what do you think?


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